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(See current events for the most recent articles)

(12/13/2021) Texas abortion law case: Gorsuch responds to Sotomayor's claims of 'chilling effect.'  Does not have anything to do with ruling on the law itself, however.

(09/25/2021) Dating App Adds ‘Pro-Choice’ Badge Option In The Wake Of The Texas Abortion Law.  Well, dating sites have long known that conservatives are far more willing to date liberals than vice versa.  I guess this app wants to cater to the intolerant ones.

(09/24/2021) House Dems vote to legalize abortion up to birth.  It won't pass the Senate.  But just remember that if the Dems gain a large enough majority in the Senate, they will pass this bill.  Will it stand up in court>?  Well, the courts gave us Roe v. Wade and SSM, so I wouldn't count on them.  Note that a single Democrat voted against this.  On the plus side, not a singie Republican voted for it.

(09/12/2021) Pelosi's bishop calls for ex-communication of pols now pushing for abortion.  I realize that many Catholics are Catholics "in name only."  But when politicians declare themselves to be "devout" Catholics, yet publicly oppose Catholic teaching, should the church just sit back and let it go?  Clearly not.  Here is the problem.  High level politicians can do a lot of harm to the church should they be so inclined.  I firmly believe that in the long run, the Catholic church will be much better off it they excommunicate politicians that use their so-called Catholicism for political gain, yet sneer a much of what the church teaches.  But there will be short-term negative consequences.  Maybe.

(09/12/2021) Garland Announces Suit to Throw Out Texas Abortion Law.  Remember how Garland was a "moderate" when Obama nominated him to the court?  Boy, did we dodge a bullet there.

(09/10/2021) DOJ files baseless suit against Texas over its abortion law.  The DOJ is nothing but a political arm of the administration.

(09/10/2021) Pro-abortion churches? 'Reproductive freedom congregations' attack new Texas law protecting the unborn.  When politics and culture dictate your preaching rather than Scripture, you aren't a Christian church.

(09/07/2021) Psaki snaps at male reporter over question about abortion, Biden's faith: 'You've never faced those choices.'  Dare I say it?  For those on the left that claim to be Christian, most let their politics (and lifestyle) inform their faith rather than their faith (and Scripture) inform their politics.  But they hate having their faith questioned.

(08/30/2021) A Supreme Court That Capitulates On Roe V. Wade Will Unleash A Whirlwind.  Roe v. Wade was not the first SCOTUS decision where the court decided to, in essence, legislate and to the Constitution that which is clearly not there.  But the court has gotten worse and worse over time.  In the recent 6-3 ruling that the CDC did not have the power to impose a rent moratorium, the three liberal judges all dissented, declaring that the bureaucracy has the power to legislate.  Sort of like Obama's "phone and pen:" if Congress doesn't do what only it has the power to do, I'm going to do it anyway.  The fact is, Congress won't pass a rent moratorium because it can't - it doesn't have the votes. 

(07/02/2021) Kentucky Cop Placed On Leave For Praying In Front Of Abortion Clinic Will Return To Work.  Note that government workers are rarely punished for participating in and promoting the left-wing agenda.  Out Constitution declares freedom of religion, our courts and government have replaced "of" with "from."  At least this has a happy ending - but it took four months!

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For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Psalms 139:13-14  (NIV)


Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;

Jeremiah 1:5a

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

Deuteronomy 30:19  (NIV)

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