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For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Psalms 139:13-14  (NIV)


Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;

Jeremiah 1:5a

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

Deuteronomy 30:19  (NIV)


Apr-Jun 2016

(06/30/2016)  Late-Term Abortionist Caught Lying to Women About the Excruciating Pain Their Baby Will Feel.  He has to lie, of course.  The truth gets in the way of the progressive narrative - and would cause him to lose a bunch of his customers!  And here is more: Whoopi Goldberg: It’s Okay If Women Abort Their Babies Because “We Talk to God.”  Interesting.  We should all talk to God, but I don't think that the 'pro-choice' crowd is inclined to listen in return.  And here is an article on a question that all 'pro-choice' people should be asked to answer.

(06/29/2016)  Planned Parenthood President Says Abortion Biz “Absolutely” Saves Lives.  Hmm.


(06/28/2016)  Matt Walsh: Texas governor should tell SCOTUS to go to Hell.  I'm inclined to agree.  Texas should enforce their law and see what the SCOTUS tries to do about it.  The whole abortion issue, unless the Constitution is amended, is a 10th amendment issue.  Of course, the 10th has long since been discarded by the left.  But maybe it is time to cross the Rubicon and force the issue.

(06/28/2016) Pro-Lifers on Supreme Court Abortion Case: ‘We’re Coming Back in Full Force.’  More on the SCOTUS decision. 

(06/28/2016)  Woman Who Aborts Her Baby At 32 Weeks Illustrates Why She Shouldn’t.


(06/27/2016) Women and Life and the Court Today: March for Life President Responds.  Tragically, the SCOTUS has yet again ruled that abortions may be performed under circumstances where any other kind of surgery would be illegal.

(06/27/2016) United Way Affiliates Give $3 Million a Year to Planned Parenthood.  My wife and I stopped giving to the United Way years ago because of this.  Donations were collected at work, and we messed up the 100% participation target.  You could specify that your donation could not be used for PP, but all that meant was that more of other people's money would be.  There is nothing more fungible than money.

(06/27/2016) Supreme Court Poised to Issue Major Abortion Ruling.  It does annoy me that the article refers to abortion as a 'Constitutional right,' but otherwise it is a good, informative article.

(06/25/2016)  ACLU: Aborting Babies With Down Syndrome OK Because “You Can’t Discriminate Against a Fetus.”  On those grounds, they must think sex-selection abortions are just fine, too.  No sarcasm intended.


(06/23/2016)  Awards Ceremony Honors the Top Abortionists in the Country Killing the Most Babies.  If you thought they'd be embarrassed by their work, you would be wrong.  Here is more: Abortionist Tells Pro-Life Advocate He Loves Killing Babies: “I Love It! Yeah I Do”  

(06/21/2016)  'Appalling': Rep seeks HHS probe as emails shed light on abortion clinic harvesting.  What is really appalling is that the commenters very much lean to pro-PP and pro-abortion.  The sad fact is that those on our side do not take to the comments, either making comments or 'liking' comments.  It looks like we are totally our-numbered, even though we are not.  I think this calls for an 'internet comment evangelism' page.  Coming to you soon.  Here it is: Internet Comment Evangelism


(06/18/2016)  Sorry, Cecile Richards, but you don’t get to play this card after Orlando massacre.  Somehow Planned Parenthood tweeting about the value of life rubs me the wrong way.

(06/18/2016)  Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill to Teach People “Abortion Kills a Living Human Being.”  Well, it does.


(06/08/2016)  New York Tried to Trick Churches Into Providing Abortion Coverage to Employees. 

(06/07/2016)  This Horrifying Video Instantly Changes People’s Minds About Abortion.  If the MSM chose to switch to the pro-life position, the support for abortion would plummet in short order. 

(05/31/2016)  Good News!  Evangelicals Cheer Pro-Life Vote at Methodist Conference.  The UMC has voted to reverse their 40 year pro-abortion stand.

(04/28/2016)  How The Abortion Industry Bought Off The Top Democratic Leader Investigating Planned Parenthood.  Of course, they bought her off a long time ago.

(04/25/2016)  Imagine if there was an Abortion Wall Memorial on the Mall.  How big would it be?  If it were the same basic height of the Viet Nam memorial, it would have to be almost 85 miles long.

(04/21/2016)  11 Quick Takeaways From House Hearing On Aborted Baby Parts Trafficking

(04/20/2016)  The abortion truth that liberals can’t deny — but try to.  "Big Bang Theory" committed a faux pas by accidently saying something that everyone knows to be true.


(04/19/2016)  Hillary Says She Wants More Questions About Abortion. Here Are 10 She Won’t Answer.  The MSM has a tendency to ask questions from a pro-abortion perspective.  Only a handful of GOP politicians and pundits ask questions from a pro-life perspective. 

(04/19/2016)   National Right to Life just Announced Which Candidate has their Endorsement: Ted Cruz.  Surprise, surprise.


(04/08/2016)  Ask Hillary Clinton Why Abortion Is A ‘Difficult Decision.’  Interesting.  The pro-abortion crowd keeps telling us that it should not be difficult.

(04/08/2016)  After Raiding Pro-life Activist's Home, California AG Pressured To Resign.  As you may have heard, the pro-life activist who made the undercover videos that made Planned Parenthood look bad has been raided.  So the law is coming down hard.  Just not on the actual people / organization with the criminal behavior.  May I be blunt?  The Left will use the force of law to push their political agenda whenever they can get away with it.  See next item.  Update: Here is more on the subject.

(04/04/2016)  Cecile Richards: We Need to ‘Really Humanize’ Abortion.  Really?

(03/16/2016)  Pro-Abortion Study Falsely Claims Unborn Babies Don’t Feel Excruciating Pain in Abortions.  The most interesting thing is that the author is a member of the "Department of Women and Gender Studies."


(03/08/2016)  Obama picks side in 'hail Satan' abortion fight.  This has to do with Texas abortion industry regulations.  I don't think anyone is surprised.


(03/08/2016)  Law Puts Louisiana Abortionists on the Ropes.  It does look like the tide is  turning on abortion.  The last thing we need now is a GOP candidate for president who is squishy on the issue.


(03/04/2016)  Woman Aborts Child In Order To Become An Episcopal Priest.  You might suspect that the headline is misleading, but not by much. 

(03/01/2016)  Kasich Signs Ohio Bill to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding.  Bravo!  And take note that a certain leading 'GOP' candidate is opposed to defunding PP.

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