Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalms 139:13-14 (NIV)
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
Jeremiah 1:5a

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live
Deuteronomy 30:19 (NIV)
Oct-Dec 2016
(12/29/2016) Texas Will Defund Planned Parenthood, Cancels $3.1 Million in Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Biz. It's a start.
(12/27/2016) D.A. Refusing to Prosecute Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts Was Defeated, Replacement Fires Her Staff. Elections have consequences. At all levels. Pro-lifers, we need to vote in every single election.
(12/23/2016) Liberal Web Site Salon Celebrates Christmas With the Top 10 Abortions on TV in 2016. They certainly had plenty to choose from given the entertainment industry's near unanimous advocacy of abortion.
(12/16/2016) Satanists Fight Ohio Bill to Ban Abortions Because Unborn Children “Have No Soul.” Hmm.
(12/03/2016) Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Quits, Did Abortions Through All Nine Months. It would be nice if he had seen the light, but he is only semi-retiring. It is still a good thing.
(12/01/2016) Woman Complains It Was Too Difficult to Abort Her Baby: “I Had to Fly From Texas to California.” Sniff, sniff.
(11/30/2016) The Golden Age of Mass Delusion. This is an excellent article about abortion and the logical contortions that supporters must go through to justify it. The comments are enlightening.
(11/29/2016) Pro-Abortion Group’s Thanksgiving Message: We’re Thankful for More Abortions. I think the pro-abortion crowd would do better if they presented abortion as a necessary evil, rather than something to be celebrated. Not that I want the pro-abortion message to be doing better.
(11/25/2016) Late-Term Abortionist to Congress: Buzz Off! Tells investigators into baby body-parts trade their questions are 'persecution.' The tide is beginning to turn.
(11/16/2016) Suicide Rate for Women Having Abortions is Six Times Higher Than Women Giving Birth. The pro-abortion crowd will contend that this is the fault of pro-lifers for making women feel bad about their abortions. Evidence? Who needs evidence?
(11/12/2016) Good Luck Using the Bible to Defend Abortion. Just as people try to force the Bible to support homosexual relationships, some do the same regarding abortion. Many people are desperate to have God tell them what they want to hear rather than to listen to what God actually has to say.
(11/08/2016) DePaul: “Unborn Lives Matter” Posters Are Veiled Bigotry. I think that Catholic universities in the USA need to start referring to themselves as "Catholic." They apprear to be Catholic in name only.
(11/06/2016) 18,000 Babies Die in 3rd-Trimester Abortions Every Year in the United States. I keep hearing that there are so few late-term abortions that it is nothing to worry about. 18,000 doesn't sound like "few."
(10/31/2016) Major Medical Association Will Have Abortion Activist Cecile Richards Keynote Its Convention. They can't possibly have an agenda, can they?
(10/29/2016) Abortion Biz CEO Justifies Abortion: “Abortion Kills a Being That Has No Sense of Life or Death.” Well, we don't start to retain memories until we are over 2 years old, so logically speaking .... In the broader scheme of things, it is remarkable the lengths people will go to in order to justify or excuse things that, deep down inside, they know to be wrong. It is bad enough when an atheist does this, but it is far, far worse when a Christian either ignores what the Bible has to say, or twists and distorts the Bible to say what they wish to hear.
(10/25/2016) NY Times Reporter Won’t Say If She Knows Anybody at Paper Who’s Pro-Life. At the NY Times, it is a given that you are "pro-choice." No one has to ask.
(10/25/2016) 'Unborn Lives Matter' flyer censored by DePaul. Apparently, it conflicts with "Catholic values." Of course, many Catholics would disagree, and given the sorry state of many non-Catholic Christian colleges, the rest of us would do well to work on getting our own house in order. But when those that claim to be motivated by faith let secular society dictate to them, all believers should be concerned.
(10/25/2016) Planned Parenthood: Husbands Should Have No Say if Their Baby is Aborted. Of course. Why should fathers have any say? It isn't their body, so the argument goes. Sigh. It is pretty clear we have replaced the whole notion of personal responsibility with that of victimhood, selfishness and self-righteousness. There is also the financial aspect: if fathers get to say "no," PP earns less money from abortions.
(10/22/2016) “Christian Post” Allows Article Claiming Voting for Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton is Pro-Life. It is hard to win the war when you publish propaganda from the other side.
(10/21/2016) No Fact-Checkers Can Cover For Hillary Clinton’s Ghastly Abortion Views. But they are trying very hard to do exactly that. It remains to be seen whether they are successful.
(10/19/2016) Former Abortionist Recalls What Made Him Stop Abortions: “Maybe God is Telling Me Abortion is Wrong.” I actually started becoming pro-life before becoming a Christian. There are many routes to the pro-life cause. Don't let anyone get away with the claim that opposing abortion is imposing your religion on others.
(10/18/2016) Abortion Lobby: Planned Parenthood ‘Exemplifies’ Catholic Tradition. The article begins with reference to the "Catholics for Choice" organization. How can you even claim to be Catholic if you support abortion? Yet this points to the problem - those on the Left are willing to work very hard to take conservative organizations and institutions and turn them into progressive ones.
(10/17/2016) Ending The Policy of Only ‘Personally Opposed to Abortion.’ I have a question. Has anyone who claimed to be "personally opposed" to abortion ever done anything to limit abortion? Short and long answer: No. The "personally" qualifier is simply an excuse to do nothing at all, or even do the exact opposite: to make abortion less safe, legal and frequent.
(10/16/2016) Baptist Minister Defends Aborting Her Baby: “God Helped Me Make the Best Decision.” Is it not amazing the lengths we will go to to justify having done wrong (and even drag God into our justification)? Jesus will forgive us our sins if we confess and repent. But if we refuse to admit the sin, we have a problem. Especially a minister, who sets the stage for others to follow suit when she could have set a positive example rather than a negative one.
(10/15/2016) Family of Pregnant 14-Year-Old Beat Her to Cause Abortion, Burned Her Stillborn Baby on Their Grill. You probably don't want to follow the link for the details, but this was in Texas, not some foreign country.
(10/10/2016) Abortion Activist: “So What if Abortion Ends a Life?” An Unborn Baby is “a Life Worth Sacrificing.” The pro-abortion crowd has gone from abortion being a sad necessity to abortion being a positive good that needs to be celebrated. They are losing the war. Don't let up.
(10/09/2016) Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards: It’s ‘exciting’ to hear women ‘tell their abortion stories.’ I believe there was a time when the pro-choice crowd at least had the decency to pretend that having an abortion was not something to brag about. But I think the new in-your-face approach is a sign of desperation - they are starting to lose the war. Keep the faith and keep up the fight!
(10/09/2016) Planned Parenthood’s $30 Million Army Storming the Country for Hillary Clinton. One has to ask the question - is it a good thing that organizations that get large amounts of government money plow money into the campaigns of people who promise to get them even more taxpayer money? PP isn't the only guilty party. It is said that money spent on lobbying give corporations a better ROI than any other investment. This is what crony capitalism is and it is one of the biggest arguments for a small government with limited and very specifically enumerated powers. Guess what? That is exactly what the Constitution calls for and that is exactly why our political class has been working hard to trash the Constitution.
(10/05/2016) Kaine’s Abortion Dodge. Excellent article. Democrats have been using the old "I'm personally opposed to abortion but cannot impose my faith on others" dodge for decades. The only conclusion that I have been able to draw is that despite claims to the contrary, you cannot be a both good Catholic and a Democrat.
(10/03/2016) New Pro-Life Film “Voiceless” Opens This Month, Here’s More From the Director and Star of the Movie. More and more Christian films are being released, but this trend won't continue if we don't go to see them.
(10/01/2016) Catholic Charities to Host Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton at Annual Fundraising Dinner. This is the New York archdiocese, so it is not at the national level, and Trump has been invited as well. But it strikes me that far too often, those that are pro-life and favor biblical values are far more tolerant of those that disagree than are their opponents. Is abortion a battle we want to win, or one where we would rather lose but be "sporting" along the way?