Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:14-17 (NIV)
Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:18-20 (NIV)
When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God. Nehemiah 6:16 (NIV)
Here is a good outline of What Chrisitans Can Do. Much of what we are trying to accomplish with this website is to provide tools to assist in accomplishing the recommendations outlined.

Action Items and Suggestions:
Note that for contacting public officials, the 'contact public officials' page includes links to contact forms where possible. Go there, click the link, state your message and send it. It is a breeze. No excuses. Before long we will be supplying templates to help compose letters on various topics.
(11/04/2019) She Loves Out Loud: Abortion Survivor and Her Mom on Prayer, Adoption and Depending on God. "She Loves Out Loud" is a women's prayer movement culminating on Feb. 15, 2020. But it is also ongoing up until then, and I suspect - if successful - that it will continue. Consider signing up: https://shelovesoutloud.org/pray-for-us/ Men are welcome, too.
(05/23/2018) Dangerous Times for the Constitution and Freedom. The cracks in our constitutional order continue to multiply and widen. Indeed. But while we have a battle on our hands, we have a chance at victory. Dare I say if Hillary Clinton were president, I'm not sure our Constitution would be able to recover. Did God have a hand in this? For the first time in my life, I'm starting to believe that he may well have been involved in "politics," though our current national situation goes far beyond politics. Consider joining up with our challenge to pray daily - at the same time - for our country, for our leaders and for revival - Pray for America.
(05/22/2018) An Invitation to God to Invade Our Schools. Why fight a battle - the official return of prayer in the public schools - that may take years to win, or never be won. There is nothing that prevents students in the public schools from praying - though praying in class could be a problem. But praying before classes or during lunch or other breaks is fine. It could catch on and even if we don't have official prayers in our public schools, it can only help to ask God to be present in our schools. Pass it on to your kids if you have any in school - just start out with a like-minded friend or two. It could catch on.
(10/05/2017) Mom’s March Launches National Movement to Counter ‘Women in the Pink Hats.’ Now this is a women's "march" I can get behind. Here is a link to their website: Mom's March for America. Consider donating and participating.
(09/27/2017) Stand up for America: Boycott the NFL. The Center Did Not Hold: What Bothers Me Most About the NFL Protests. This article makes a very good point. Organization after organization, company after company, has caved in to the demands of the Left. They pretty much never do so in the opposite direction, though to be fair, we rarely make demands. This will only continue to get worse and worse unless we fight back. Make them pay a price for caving in to the Left, and that means - just for starters - boycotting the NFL. Don't watch the games and don't buy their merchandise.
(09/01/2017) Sign White House petition resulting from revelation that James Comey decided Hillary's innocence well before investigation was complete. The intent is not to actually have Comey arrested, though he probably deserves it, but to send a signal that we the people believe in the rule of law and that everyone, including high government officials, need to be held accountable.
(07/18/2017) Teen Vogue’s Sodomy Tutorial Sparks Angry Mom’s Viral Video, #PullTeenVogue Campaign. 10 million views so far. Make your displeasure with Teen Vogue known. Here is more: Activist Mommy Starts 'Operation Pull Teen Vogue' After Mag Peddles Sexual Perversion to Minors. And just in case you think there is only one article in Teen Vogue that is a problem: Teen Vogue Publishes a Gift Guide For Our Daughters: “What to Get a Friend Post-Abortion.” There are several anti-Teen Vogue petitions, but they aren't for the right reasons. I'll add links if any appropriate petitions show up.
(02/09/2017) The Spirit of America: Conservative Grassroots Leaders Plan Massive Pro-Trump Demonstrations Nationwide. I don't know just how these coordinate with or overlap with March4Trump. Here is the website for Main Street Patriots, the sponsor of the Spirit of America rallies. These rallies are scheduled for 2/27 and 3/4, apparently at noon. I'll post more info as it becomes available.
(02/08/2017) There is a March4Trump to support the president scheduled for 10:00 am, Sat. Mar 4, 2017 at the West capitol steps in Denver. For more info click here. If not from Colorado, the linked site lists locations.
(02/07/2017) Protests demanding the defunding of Planned Parenthood are being held nationwide this Saturday (02/11/2017). To find a protest near you, go to De-Fund PP Nationwide Rally Locations. Update: The rallies are over, but you can see a pic and some notes from our local Colorado Springs protest here.
(10/14/2016) Are YouTube Heroes using their powers to flag Factual Feminist videos as objectionable? Suffice it to say, many videos with conservative content are being given restricted access and flagged as "inappropriate" at YouTube. Among the videos flagged are many from Prager U, a great source of information and a source heartily endorsed by your webmaster. Please sign the petition demanding YouTube unblock these Prager U videos.
(10/06/2016) ‘Torchbearer’ Movie an Urgent Wake-Up Call for American Christians. This movie opens tomorrow (10/7) in a limited number of theaters. For those of us in Colorado Springs, the nearest showing times for 10/7-10/9 are 12:30pm, 2:45pm and 7:20pm at
AMC Highlands Ranch
103 Centennial Blvd
Highlands Ranch, CO
(10/06/2016) Attorney: Football Coach Fired for Prayer Won’t Back Down. Please support Coach Kennedy - those who are standing up for the faith need all the support they can get. You can support him via Facebook or via the First Liberty Institute.
(10/02/2016) Pray for our nation and concerning the upcoming election and the future of our country. Focus on the Family has a prayer guide for the month of October which was recommended to the FBCBF prayer team. You can get it here: Focus on the Family October Prayer Guide. Also, consider participating in Focus 4 Forty, which is focusing on America's need for revival.
(07/19/2016) As we look over the political and social landscape of America, one thing is clear: only God can save us. We need revival in America. But in particular, we need to pray for America. One great way to do this is to pray the great prayers of Nehemiah and Daniel, substituting as appropriate. Here is a printable copy of those prayers.
(06/28/2016) Why Don't Feminists Fight For Oppressed Muslim Women? Sign the petition.
(04/24/2016) Boycott Target Petition Reaches STAGGERING Number of Signers In Just Four Days. See the 04/21 posts in Current Events about Target. Friends, it is time we showed that there is a lot more muscle in the pro-traditional values, pro-Christian crowd than on the other side, and that corporations are making a big mistake when they side with a small minority (no matter how vocal) at the expense of everone else. It costs nothing and takes only a few seconds to sign: Sign the Boycott Target Pledge!
(01/08/2016) If you are within a reasonable distance of DC, consider attending the March for Life. Leaders Push for Greater Evangelical Presence at March for Life. this is an important year. Not only do we have a mjor election, but there is a new abortion case coming up before the Supreme Court.
(12/04/2015) Here Are the Names of the 14 Slaughtered in San Bernardino. Who cares what the Daily News thinks. Please pray for these people and their family and friends.
(11/23/2015) Naughty or Nice List from the American Family Association. Ratings of retailers on how they market Christmas. This list provides information to consider when doing your Christmas shopping. The site contains contact information for all the listed retailers.
(11/12/2015) Please contact your Senators and encourage them to support a Reconciliation Bill that includes a provision to block Planned Parenthood funding for one year. The house has already passed such a bill - go here for details. There are two issues involved. The Senate needs first to include the PP provision in the bill, and second they need to pass it. For more information, go here and here. For contact information for your Senators, go here. Update: It looks like the Senate wimped out on this. Please indicate your displeasure to them. Update: It looks like the Senate caved and dropped the PP defunding from the bill.
(11/03/2015) The Be Heard Project is taking action around the world on behalf of persecuted Christians at a time when out government chooses to do nothing. Please follow the link, sign their petitions and consider donating. Note that there is a menu to select specific cases at the bottom of the screen - just mouse-over 'CASES' at the bottom of the screen. Asia Bibi and Pastor Saeed Abedini are just a couple among many. Sign them all!
(10/30/2015) In the context of the praying football coach placed on leave, why should a coach have to instigate prayers after games? Why not parents and other fans? If you attend HS football games, consider taking the bull by the horns and heading out on the field after the game and kneeling in prayer. It will be easier if you can recruit a few to join you in advance.
(09/15/2015) Sign a petition to stop Islamic indoctrination in out schools. This petition has been around for a while, but it always helps to add your bname to a good cause.
(09/05/2015) It isn't too late to sign up for Intercessors for America. As they put it: Join us in 21 days of repentance for our nation. It has only just begun. They'll email you a message for each of the 21 days. If you believe that our nation is in serious trouble and that we need 'revival in America', then please sign up, read the lessons and pray for our country and a return to God.
(08/17/2015) Fund Aims to Help Christian Baker Offset Wedding Cake Losses. Go here if you want to donate. Note that this is a (new?) faith based crowd-funding site: Continue to Give. They aren't going to give this kind of fundraising the boot live GoFundMe does (GoFundMe is on our boycott list).
(08/14/2015) Join in a nationwide protest against Planned Parenthood on Saturday, August 22. Times are generally 9-11am local time, but check here for specific locations, contact info, resources and more. I just heard about this today. Pass the word. It looks very well organized.
(08/05/2015) Why not promote your church?
(08/03/2015) To donate to '1,000 billboards to defend biblical marriage', go here. Click on 'Pass the Plate' in the menu.
(07/22/2015) Write or call your Congressman and urge them so support H.R. 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015. For more info, go here.
(07/16/2015) Sign a petition for Congress to defund Planned Parenthood. This is sponsored by the Ben Carson campaign, but you don't have to donate to sign. Friends, these various petitions may seem minor, but they add up.
(07/15/2015) For a very modest price, you can join the Million Window Campaign - Buy 'In God We Trust' window clingies. Put them on you car, house, give them to your friends.
(07/11/2015) Sign up for the 9/11 National Day of Prayer and Repentance. More about this event here.
(07/11/2015) Franklin Graham is promoting a new 50 state prayer tour for 2016. For more info and to sign up for email alerts, go to Decision America Tour 2016.
(06/30/2015) Suggested action: Hang black ribbons with the American Flag as we approach and then celebrate the Fourth of July. Here is a link to the article suggesting this. I like the idea because it is not disrespectful of the flag, it is a public statement and it can start a good conversation with others. If you like the idea, spread the word.
(06/29/2015) Although it goes without saying that we should be on our knees in prayer, we need to be sure that we do it as well as say it. God is far more powerful than the Supreme Court, but we as a nation and as individuals have sinned against the Lord. We as Christians need to repent, renew and revive. Consider Nehemiah's prayer (Nehemiah 1:5-11 (NIV)):
Then I said:
“O LORD, God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands, let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s house, have committed against you. We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses.
“Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’
“They are your servants and your people, whom you redeemed by your great strength and your mighty hand. O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man.”
I was cupbearer to the king.
We are not 'cupbearers to the king', but we can pray for those that are as well as for ourselves, our church, our community and our nation.
(06/28/2015) Suggested immediate action in response to the Supreme Court's SSM decision: act like a Christian, only more so! See blog post for more.
(06/23/2015) Let your Senators and Congressman know that you support The First Amendment Defense Act (S. 1598, H.R. 2802). How our representatives vote on this bill is going to say a lot about their priorities and their commitment to the First Amendment and religious liberty.
(06/22/2015) Consider joining in the fray in the comments on this article and helping your webmaster Tom C (aka 'topcat69') defend Christianity and traditional marriage.
(06/11/2015) Online petition to defend traditional marriage.
(05/28/2015) I have two on-line petitions for your consideration. From The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association we have one that simply declares: “I have hope for America because of Jesus Christ.” And from World Net Daily we have a petition to protect religious freedom. This petition goes into specific detail. Just follow the petition links, fill in a little info, click a button and you are done.
(05/20/2015) Donate to one or more of our 'watchdog' organizations. They are doing critical work. Every little bit helps.
(05/19/2015) Girl Scouts to accept boys who 'identify' as girls. Pushback is necessary, folks. You can contact the Girl Scouts here.
(05/18/2015) Contact the Dept of Defense to complain about their caving in to demands from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (which is NOT about religious freedom). For details, see this article. DoD does not have any contact forms or email addresses that I can find. Here is the mailing address for the Secretary of Defense:
Ash Carter
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000
Consider contacting the President, your Senators and your Representative. See 'contact public officials' sub-page for online contact forms for all (if you are a Colorado Springs area resident).
(05/13/2015) Franklin Graham calls for intercessory prayer regarding the same sex marriage case before the Supreme Court. Please do so. Cross-listed in current events and prayer.
(05/09/2015) With the Pain Capable Abortion Ban Bill back on the dockett in the House for next week, you might want to contact your representative. Colorado Springs residents have a reliable vote on this, but it never hurts to show your support. Update: This bill is HR 36 and debate should begin today. Contact your representative in support of this bill. For Colorado Springs residents, Doug Lamborn is your rep and contact info can be found on the 'contact public officials' sub-page.
(05/08/2015) It is a bit late, though never too late to Stand For Marriage. See image below left, for both the message and the beauty.
(05/01/2015) Administration bars Iraqi nun from entering US to describe persecution of Christians in Iraq. This sort of thing is becoming all too common, but that shouldn't stop us from voicing our displeasure. You can contact the State Dept directly here, and the White House at comments@whitehouse.gov or the president at president@whitehouse.gov. This info is repeated under 'actions'. Note that you will have to email the White House / President directly from your email account. No convenient form like GoFundMe or the State Dept.
(04/30/2015) GoFundMe has officially changed their policy so they can discriminate against Christians who hold traditional values. For more info, go here. To send another comment to GoFundMe go here (I have contacted them again pointing out that their new 'non-discrimination' policy in fact discriminates).
04/30/2015) Nepal Earthquake Relief. Go to Samaritan's Purse here or the Salvation Army here.
(04/27/2015) GoFundMe has closed funding for Arlene's Flowers (see below). For some more info go here. Suggested action - contact GoFundMe here and complain. Please contact GoFundMe and politely disagree with them and let them know that you no longer will use their services. Also, take the opportunity to criticize GoFundMe on social media if you are able to. If GoFundMe changes their tune, I will let you know. Update: (04/29/2015) Alliance Defending Freedom (see Watchdogs page) has taken on this case. Go here for more info.
(04/25/2015) Donate to Sweet Cakes by Melissa. This is an Oregon bakery fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple (the $135,000 is to go to the lesbian couple for 'emotional, mental, and physical suffering'). The original gofundme campaign was closed after raising $6,000, apparently because gay activists complained to gofundme. Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse has taken up the cause. For more about the closing of the gofundme account, go here.
(4/23/2015) Consider donating to one of our featured 'Watchdog' organizations. They are featured on the 'watchdog' sub-page of 'actions'.
(4/18/2015) Notify your (Colorado) state legislators in support of Senate Bill 268, which would make killing a fetus murder. See Denver Post editorial in support here. See 'Contact Public Officals' (sub-menu of 'actions') for necessary info. This article contains more information about the bill.
(4/6/2015) Arlene's Flowers Donate to the gofundme campaign to help out Baronelle Stutzman, a Christian florist who got in trouble over the usual gay wedding business. Update (04/27/2015): GoFundMe has killed this campaign, just like Sweet Cakes by Melissa. To take action, see above.
This page is intended to provide links to take specific actions (such a donating, signing an online petition) or to provide information about non online actions such as letter writing.
Contact Information for public officials (national and Colorado Springs area) is on the sub-menu for this page: action -> Contact Public Officials.
Send suggestions to webmaster. See 'contact us' for contact info.