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of the Gospel

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Romans 1:16 (ESV)


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3 Circles

Revised and updated : 01/07/2024

3 Circles is an initiative of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention.  CFC (Cross Fellowship Church) may be a bit behind the curve on this since it began in 2014.  Here are some NAMB links that may be of interest:


Here are some articles about 3 Circles:

At a fundamental level, the 3 Circles are nothing more than a method to present the Gospel in a simple yet complete manner.  The pictorial representation helps make it easier to remember.  If you draw it out for someone, they can keep it as a reminder.



Our own (CFC - Cross Fellowship Church) Executive Pastor put together the following diagram, which combines the elements of the 3 Circles (God's Story) with our own, personal story (My Story).  Many of us will be much more comfortable presenting the gospel message in the context of our own, personal conversion experience.  Need help putting together My Story?  Here you go:  My Story.


(click on image for larger view)

To download the above image in pdf format, click here.

The following is a two page pdf illustrating and explaining the 3 Circles.  If you have a printer that handles duplex printing, it is great to print out a good 3 Circles reference on a single sheet of paper.

3 Circles.pdf

Do you want Bible Verse Memory Cards for the 3  Circles?  Of course you do and of course we have them! There are 2 verses for each circle, and 2 verses for each line.  Since 10 cards fit on a page, I've tossed in 8 extra evangelism verses to make an even 20.  Remember, this is a downloadable Word document.  You should print it duplex, flip on long edge.  If you can print it on card stock, so much the better.  Note that if there is adequate demand, I will add additional translations.

3 Circles Memory Verse Cards - ESV

This video is a straight presentation of the 3 Circles

​​​​​​3 Circles Training Videos

The above two  videos were done by the man who developed the 3 Circles, so it more than just a presentation of the 3 Circles but an explanation of what it is all about, as well.

3 Circles App

You can get a 3 Circles app for your iPhone or Android phone.  Just search for "3 Circles" at your app store.  It is free, of course.  The app includes the following:

  • The diagram that you can add to one step at a time.

  • A three minute video presentation that you can show, if you don't feel up to the task of presenting it yourself.  Or you can review it as a refresher.

  • Basic info on the 3 Circles.

  • Some tips for helping with post-presentation follow-up.

  • The ability to share on social media.

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