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For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Psalms 139:13-14  (NIV)


Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;

Jeremiah 1:5a

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

Deuteronomy 30:19  (NIV)

For more on Planned Parenthood and its founder Margaret Sanger, visit our Planned Parenthood page.


Jan-Mar 2017

(03/30/2017) The News Media is Directly Responsible for the Outrageous ‘Undercover Planned Parenthood’ Charges. Good article, but you may want to avoid the comments, which are dominated by the pro-abortion crowd.

(03/30/2017) Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Slams Ivanka Trump for Not Defending Abortion.  I guess the "traitor to women" shtick never grows old.


(03/29/2017) ‘F*ck you, bible-thumper’: Pro-abort Nation contributor comes completely unglued.  How come progressives only call for civil discourse on the part of conservatives?  Silly me, it is because progressives are justified in being uncivil.

(03/29/2017) Pro-Life Activists Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Butchers Selling Baby Parts Charged With 15 Felonies.  PP gets exposed breaking the law, the exposers are charged. 


(03/26/2017) Kamala Harris says she will not vote for Gorsuch because he values ‘legalisms.’  That is, he favors following the actual law.  That attitude that judges should rule based on who they feel 'deserves' rather than who the law supports is destroying rule of law in America.  This is a major, major problem.


(03/24/2017) Operator of New Abortion Clinic Can’t Wait to Kill Babies: “We Want to be Really Loud About It.” 


(03/23/2017) Democrat Slams Neil Gorsuch: “He Believes the Intentional Taking of Human Life is Always Wrong.”   


(03/16/2017) Autopsy Proves Planned Parenthood Killed Young Woman in Botched Abortion.  Actually, the headline should probably say that the (redacted) autopsy report tries to cover up that fact.


(03/15/2017) Ultimate Dodge: Tucker Carlson Asks Simple Question 7 Times.  This is with a Planned Parenthood exec.  Enjoy.


(03/14/2017) Women’s Day Protestors Perform ‘Abortion’ on ‘Virgin Mary.'  This is in Argentina.  You probably don't want to actually follow the link because it includes a totally disgusting picture.  What amazes me is that there are people who think that actions like this actually promote their cause.  Not that I have a clue as to what their cause is, other than abortion.


(03/08/2017) Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells.”  


(03/07/2017) What Do Democrats Want More – Abortion Industry Money or Pro-Life Votes?  Well, they clearly do not want pro-life votes, so ....


(03/05/2017) Democrat Leader says There is NO ROOM for Pro-Lifers in the Democrat Party.  Well, this has been the case for some time, but is doesn't seem to be good strategy to admit it.


(03/05/2017) Jesus would hold women’s hands to support them during abortion: abortionist.  She doesn't actually claim to be a Christian, only that she was "raised in a liberal Christian tradition," yet she reassures Christain patients that they are doing the right thing.  I do get tired of people, who don't take the Bible seriously, telling Christians what the Bible says they should do.


(03/02/2017) Revealing Lingerie Ads: The True Beauty of Women – ‘I Will Do It for You, Baby.’  The author warns that you will need to have a hankie handy, and he is right.


(02/24/2017) Judge Says Voters Have No Say in How Their Tax Dollars Are Spent.  This has to do with a judge overturning a Texas law defunding Planned Parenthood.  Perhaps I am exaggerating, but it seems that the judge's basis for making this ruling is that he decided that the reasoning, upon which the legislature passed the law and the governor signed it, was faulty.  Just wow!  Our judiciary not only needs to be criticized, it needs to be slapped down.  I am 100% grateful that Hillary Clinton will not be appointing new judges.


(02/22/2017) Planned Parenthood's Pandering Press.  Women's healthcare!  Reproductive rights! 


(02/19/2017) New York Times obituary downplays that Norma McCorvey was pro-Life.  McCorvey was "Jane Roe" in the Roe v Wade abortion decision, but became a Christian and dedicated pro-lifer subsequently.  Note that the article I'm linking to is by "Bookworm."  She always does a great job of digging down into the details and facts.  Check out her site and bookmark it: Bookworm Room.


(02/13/2017) Teen Vogue’s Pro-Abortion Assault on Underage Girls.  Progressives are definitely targeting our kids - via entertainment, public schools, or other venues such as Teen Vogue.  And their message is superficially very appealing - especially to the young.  Love, being fair, not "judging," etc.


(02/11/2017) Pro-Lifers Confront Abortion Industry in Hundreds of Rallies.  Ours was a small affair.  Pic and notes are here.


(02/07/2017) Protesters in 44 States Will Call for Planned Parenthood’s Defunding Saturday.  Check our actions page for a link to locations.


(02/07/2017) Awful: Former Planned Parenthood Employee Says Facilities Had Abortion Quotas.  Well, they are a business and businesses should have metrics, so ....


(02/04/2017) Sierra Club Chief: Abortion Is Key to ‘Sustainable Population.’  Wow!  I guess he is unaware that population growth has been slowing for some time, and that, in general, population growth slows when economies grow and poverty is reduced.  Of course, given that the Sierra Club is pretty much opposed to economic growth, perhaps abortion is necessary in their version of the future.  Don't buy in.  Oppose abortion and work for an improved standard of living both at home and abroad.


(02/03/2017) BUSTED: Planned Parenthood Scrubs References To “Prenatal Care” After Pro-Life Investigation Uncovered Lie.   


(02/03/2017) Nancy Pelosi Tells Adopted Woman ‘Your Mom Should’ve Had The Choice To ABORT You.’  How sweet.


(02/02/2017) Overwhelming Majority of Americans, including Women, Support Trump on Abortion.  The MSM always confuses noise with reality.  The pro-immigration and pro-abortion folk make a lot of noise, but noise does not make a majority.  Of course, all polls can be cherry-picked and not all polling data is good for conservatives.  But don't accept the media's spin at face value.


(01/31/2017) Ultrasound?  Sure, Says Planned Parenthood, If You Pay for an Abortion.  65 of 68 facilities refuse to provide exam for any other reason.  They don't do mammograms either, yet somehow there are an essential healthcare facility for women.  Update: New Planned Parenthood undercover videos: Ultrasounds only for abortions


(01/30/2017) "Gosnell: The Untold Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer" Is A Disgusting, Disturbing Book. You Need To Read It.  Being very familiar with Gosnell, I think I'll pass.  But it is very shocking that so few Americans know about him.  The MSM did a very good job in keeping the whole story under wraps.


(01/30/2017) Thoughts on the March for Life.  Most of those marching in the "Women's March" were marching for themselves.  Most of those in the "March for Life" were marching for others.  There is a difference.


(01/29/2017) ‘The Atlantic’ Has ‘Regrets’ Over Error-Filled Pro-Abortion Article.  This concerns the ultrasound article mentioned below.  Rather that list the errors, it would have been easier to list what was right!


(01/27/2017) Marchers come from all over to demand Roe v Wade repeal.  The MSM may or may not have covered the March for Life more this year.  It is very hard to tell.  What is certain is that the earlier "Women's March" got far, far more coverage.  Is anyone surprised?  You will be amazed at how over-the-top are tweets from pro-choicers regarding the march.  There were a lot of great speakers, but the consensus seems to be that Mia Love was the bestUpdate: lots of pics at BreitbartUpdate 2: ‘Wow!’ Students for Life Share Amazing Time Lapse Video of March for Life.  It really is amazing.


(01/26/2017) Join With Other Christians at a Memorial Service Before Friday’s March for Life.  Most of us can't be in DC, but we can certainly be praying for The March for Life.  May the media pay attention, may President Trump announce a pro-life SCOTUS nominee, and most important of all, may God being and end to the horror that is abortion here in the USA.


(01/25/2017) Ultrasound: The Anti-Science Left's Bugaboo.  To the Left, everything is political, and that includes science. 


(01/24/2017) Pro-life parents share inspiring stories about strength and choosing life on #MyUnintendedJoy.  Be prepared to shed a tear or two.


(01/24/2017) Ahead of March for Life, Congress Moves Legislation Forward to End Taxpayer Funding for Abortion.  No matter how many show up for the March for Life, our vigilant MSM will fail to notice them.  Also note that while the website for this article (CNS News) is conservative, the comments are dominated by liberals, who give us such gems as  we (conservatives) "want to punish women for having sex."  They actually believe this stuff.


(01/23/2017) Pro-Lifers Care About the Born, More Than Liberals Know.  As the writer points out, liberals don't see pro-lifers doing volunteer work for the born because liberals aren't doing such volunteer work themselves.  Some liberals are, in fact, generous with their time and money.  But many think that their generosity does not need to go beyond favoring government programs to do all their charitable work.


(01/19/2017) Pastor peeved by Planned Parenthood in pulpit.  I would hope that a lot of pastors were peeved!


(01/19/2017) Women’s March won’t allow pro-lifers, but will populate its video with cute kids.  Almost anything qualified by "women's" is for progressive women only.


(01/06/2017) House GOP Moves to End Federal Funding of Planned Parenthood.  Let us hope they follow through.  Needless to say, the MSM will go berserk.


(01/06/2017) NARAL President: Repealing Obamacare ‘Is About Disempowering Women.’  Since when did women turn over to government the responsibility for their lives?  I guess women on the Left did it some time ago, but women on the Right are capable of something called "personal responsibility."


(01/01/2017) Ten Pro-Life Highlights of 2016.  It was a pretty decent year for pro-lifers.  May 2017 be even better!

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