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For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Psalms 139:13-14  (NIV)


Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;

Jeremiah 1:5a

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

Deuteronomy 30:19  (NIV)

For more on Planned Parenthood and its founder Margaret Sanger, visit our Planned Parenthood page.


Jan '19-Sep '19

(09/28/2019) The Foundational Lies of Abortion Are Crumbling.  So the question is, what are we going to do about it?

(09/28/2019) Chuck Schumer Blows It on Protecting Children.  Just face it: there is no Democrat politician of any prominence that is going to support any restrictions on abortion.

(09/28/2019) Pro-Abortion Bioethicist: Christian Doctors Should Check Their Christianity at the Door.  It is rather appalling that so-called "ethicists"  call for a utilitarian approach to medicine. 

(09/25/2019) Judge Denies AG’s Request for Gag Order Censoring Pro-Life Reporting on Bogus Trial of David Daleiden.  This is very good, because there is a lot of info coming out in this trial that is very bad for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, in general (and for the current and former AGs of California).

(09/22/2019) Hospital Created “Comfort Room” For Babies to Die in If They Survived Abortions.  Consequences?  None.

(09/20/2019) Hearings Expose How Kamala Harris Used Prosecutorial Power To Benefit Abortion Businesses That Support Her Campaigns.  I keep asking how any pro-lifer can vote Democrat.  Yet some do.

(09/15/2019) Leana Wen Says Planned Parenthood Is Driven By An ‘Abortion-First Philosophy.’  Wen is the ousted president of PP.  While she is stridently pro-abortion, she also had the nerve to want to get PP more involved in genuine "women's health," that is, to focus on other stuff in addition to abortion.  Apparently that is a no-no at PP.

(09/14/2019) Democrats Heartbroken Because Abortion Didn't Come Up in Last Debate.  Saner Democrats are pro-abortion, but also recognize that supporting abortion up to (and possibly after) the moment of birth is not a winning issue.  Unfortunately, it seems that the current crop of Democrat presidential candidates do not belong to the sane group.

(09/14/2019) Buttigieg Distorts Logic and Scripture on Abortion.  While distorting Scripture is a major component of liberal Christian theology, we must always take care to avoid doing likewise.

(09/12/2019) In 2012 They Called for After-Birth Abortion. Today, Democrats are Defending Infanticide.  Sigh.  We are making progress in the pro-life cause, but many still wish to force us down a slippery slope.  It is unreal the lengths some will go to to justify the murder of little children - we are talking post-birth here.

(09/12/2019) Shunned By Democratic Party Leaders, Liberal Pro-Life Activists Rally in Houston.  I am grateful for any and all pro-lifers.  But for the life of me, I cannot understand how one can be pro-life and remain a Democrat.  An independent, perhaps.

(09/11/2019) Doctor Faces Charges of Unprofessional Conduct for Telling Patient Abortion Kills a Human Being.  This is in South Africa. 

(09/11/2019) The duo who exposed Planned Parenthood are in court and the testimony is horrifying.  Suffice it to say, the actuality is worse than the videos.  No wonder the MSM is not covering this trial.  Remember that while fake news is a problem, what the MSM chooses to cover or not cover is a bigger problem.

(09/10/2019) Late-Term Abortionist Advertises Cuddling With Aborted Baby Before Tossing Infant in the Trash.  This is really sick stuff, but at least he admits he is killing babies.

(09/05/2019) Nurse Tells Pro-Life Nurses To Stay Out Of Health Care.  Health care is just one of many areas where pro-life conservatives are supposed to stay out of. 

(09/03/2019) Abortion Activist Claims Pro-Life People Oppose Killing Babies Because They’re

Woman-Hating Sexists.  There was a time when I would have yawned at this kind of thing.  The problem is, the Left is perfectly happy to impose their views by law.  Consider this: Canadian single dad faces human rights complaint for asking about babysitter’s gender (and age).

(09/03/2019) WSJ: Racists Do Not Fight Abortion, They Promote It.  So true.  Yet the Left argues that pro-life people are white supremacists.

(08/26/2019) Teen Vogue Uses Snapchat to Instruct Teens How to Hide Abortions From Their Parents.  Is anyone surprised?

(08/26/2019) Baptist, Presbyterian Pastors Claim Christians Can Support Killing Babies in Abortions.  I'm not sure what version of Baptist this is.

(08/05/2019) Trump: 'Choose to Build a Culture that Celebrates the Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Human Life.'  "Every human life."  Exactly.  And the best way to do that is to return to our pro-life, Christian roots.  Revival is what is needed and we should all be praying for it.

(07/29/2019) Illinois Abortion Activists Want to Enable Secret Abortions on Teens Without Their Parents Knowing.  Sick.

(07/26/2019) Washington Post Says Pro-Life Laws Protecting Babies From Abortion is Like Supporting Lynching.  Good Grief.

(07/25/2019) American Medical Association Turns Pro-Abortion, Sues to Overturn Pro-Life Laws.  They may not have gone all the way over to the pro-abortion side, but it is hard to see a sound, medical reason for opposing these laws, which only involve providing information.

(07/25/2019) In Firing Its President, Planned Parenthood Revealed Its True Priorities.  As far as I can tell, while the fired president was in favor of abortion at any time for any reason, she also wanted PP to actually become more generally "women's health" focused, something they always claim to be, but aren't.  Apparently the board wants to focus to be solely on abortion.

(07/11/2019) Kamala Harris Applauds Activist Who Celebrates Killing Her Baby in Abortion: “I’m in Awe of You.”  One thing unrepentant sinners love to do is to encourage others to join them in their sin - or at least approve of it.

(06/29/2019) Fact-Check: Cher Falsely Claims Georgia Heartbeat Law Jailing Women for Miscarriages.  Good grief.  And Cher or someone also claimed that under the Georgia law, women could face life in prison or the death penalty for having an abortion.  They hate us, but we aren't actually horrible enough, so they are forced to make up all sorts of nonsense to justify their hatred.

(06/29/2019) Unborn Babies are Being Extracted From Their Mother’s Wombs Alive to Have Their Livers Harvested.  Can this be true?!?

(06/13/2019) When I Was A Pregnant Teen Sleeping With Older Men, Planned Parenthood Failed Me.  PP both encourages under-age sex and covers up statutory rape.

(06/12/2019) Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Signs Sweeping Bill Allowing Partial-Birth Abortion into Law

(06/12/2019) ‘Most incoherent paragraph ever written’? Magazine’s ‘editor’s note’ explaining word choice in article about abortion sparks MAJOR eye rolls.  Fool that I was, I thought we had reached peak idiocy over a decade ago.  Apparently, we weren't even close back then.

(06/11/2019) Are There Really Verses in the Bible That Support Abortion?  Long answer: no.

(06/08/2019) 'Reverend' Rob Schenck’s Pro-Abortion Pitch Is Pathetic.  Yes, it is.

(06/07/2019) How a Pro-Choice Celebrity Responded When a Lawmaker Asked Her About an Abortion Survivor.  As noted in another article below, it is Capitalism, not Socialism, that encourages morality.  With socialism, it is all about what I can get, preferably at the expense of others.  Me, me, me.  It is hardly surprising that there is a high correlation between those that support socialism and those that favor abortion.

(06/05/2019) Now city tries to require prolifers deliver its chosen message.   It definitely is not a pro-life message.

(06/01/2019) Poll: Only 8 Percent of Americans Say Abortion Should Be Legal Until Third Trimester.  Yet here we are.

(05/31/2019) No, God Doesn’t Love Abortion, And If You Say So You’re Not A Real Pastor.  A United Church of Christ female "pastor" claims god loves abortion, at any time for any reason.  The ability to rationalize is a very human trait.  But when I took a preaching course and had to put together three sermons, it took me ages (like 60+ hours each).  Why?  Because when a pastor (or anyone) preaches from the pulpit, they are speaking for God.  It is critical to get it right.  This woman - and many, many other pastors - are misusing their authority in a terribly serious way.  It seems to me Jesus spoke of millstones around the neck of those who lead children astray.

(05/31/2019) ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Actress Ann Dowd Tells Pro-Lifers: ‘Go to Church and Ask for Forgiveness.’  My response?  Perhaps Ann Dowd needs to start going to church herself, start reading the Bible, and start asking for forgiveness herself.  Just a thought.

(05/29/2019) Justice Thomas’ Indiana Opinion Was Meant To Be Road Map For Fighting Roe v Wade.  Thomas is my favorite justice, and the fact that he is an RVer is just icing on the cake.

(05/29/2019) The abortion quagmire.  Roe v Wade was one of the worst decisions ever made by the Supreme Court, and there are plenty of bad decisions.

(05/29/2019) Pollak: Kamala Harris’s New Abortion Policy Treats Christians Like Racists.  The headline might exaggerate a bit, but not much.  Basically, her idea is that any state that has "violated" Roe v Wade over the last 25 years would be required to get federal approval to make any change to their abortion laws.  I suspect, Kamala Harris's bureaucrats would never grant changes that restricted abortion.

(05/28/2019) Illinois Lawmakers Move Forward With Nation’s Most Liberal Abortion Legislation.  It was a straight, party-line vote. 

(05/28/2019) A Rape Left Me Pregnant, But I Oppose Rape Exceptions To Abortion Limits.  The rape and incest exceptions are not logically consistent with a pro-life position.  They have always been tossed in because if they aren't, pro-abortion people will scream "What about rape and incest!"  What about them?  Rape and incest pregnancies are rare and a baby is still a baby.

(05/28/2019) ‘Tool of eugenic manipulation.’ Clarence Thomas just dropped the hammer on abortion and Planned Parenthood (WOW!).  This is not just some statement by Thomas, but is in a concurring opinion from a SCOTUS ruling.  The pro-abortion crowd will freak out.  Thomas is my favorite member of the Court.  I was a big fan of his well before he was appointed to the Court.  He never disappoints me.

(05/26/2019) Alyssa Milano Says an Unborn Baby’s Heartbeat Should be Called “Fetal Pole Cardiac Activity.”  We sometimes use euphemisms to avoid using more direct and less tactful ways of saying something.  When we use them to conceal or deny the truth, we have a problem.

(05/25/2019) Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: ‘Our Lives Depend On’ Protecting Abortion Rights.  As referenced above, the focus of the Left seems to be to protect people from the consequences of their poor decisions - and even to reward them.  The inevitable results is an increase in poor decisions and a decrease in good decisions.  Those that make good decisions are going to get fed up with subsidizing poor decision makers.

(05/25/2019) Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand wants to purge any remaining pro-lifers from Democratic Party.  I thought they had pretty much already done this.

(05/23/2019) Only 2 of 20 Democrats Vote to Save a Born Alive Baby in Alabama.  Democrats have fully committed themseves to being the Party of Death.  Sad.

(05/20/2019) Gillibrand: Georgia's Heartbeat Abortion Law Is 'Against Christian Faith.'  Her argument is actually worse than typical.

(05/20/2019) There are plenty of stories in the MSM condemning the Alabama abortion law.  Here are some with a different take (though not in the MSM, of course). I’ve Had 2 Abortions. Here’s Why I Support Alabama’s Pro-Life Law.  And this: Before I Had Abortions, Nobody Told Me the Truth. Now I’m Supporting Alabama. 

(05/20/2019) Facebook Doubles Down on Blocking Trump Advisory Board Member Over Pro-Life Post.  Does this surprise any of us?

(05/19/2019) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams “Men” Behind Georgia Abortion Ban, But Majority of Sponsors Were Women.  Who needs facts?  AOC has made it clear that she is morally right, so it doesn't matter if she is factually correct.  That is a pretty convenient attitude to take.

(05/14/2019) In Front of a Philadelphia Abortion Clinic, Democratic Lawmaker Shows Us the Darkness of the Cultural Divide.  Good summary. Critical note: not one Democrat politicians has come out to condemn this man's disgraceful behavior.  Not. A. Single. One.  If you believe in the sanctity of human life, you should never vote Democrat.  Sadly, it seems that if you simply believe in simple human decency, you should never vote Democrat.

(05/13/2019) Democrat State Rep. Who Offered $100 To Have Pro-Life Teens Doxxed Goes Into Hiding.  

(05/10/2019) Prayerful Pro-Life Advocates Descend on Philly to Counter Dem's Unhinged Attacks, Highlighting Differences in Activists.  Note that there is a GoFundMe account raising money for a Philly pro-life group.  They've exceeded their target of $100K, but consider donating here.

(05/09/2019) 'Triggered' woman charged with assaulting pro-lifer.  Good.

(05/09/2019) A face-off in Philly to push back on a bully. Brian Sims harassing pro-lifers is probably not working out the way he had hoped.  It is getting him a lot of publicity.

(05/07/2019) Focus on the Family’s ‘Alive From New York’ Event Draws 20K People, Broadcasts Live Images of Preborn Babies on 4 Giant Screens.  Be sure to sign the petition: A Declaration for Life

(05/07/2019) CNN Guest: ‘When A Woman Gets Pregnant, That Is Not A Human Being Inside Of Her.’  Not many mother's would agree.  Or scientists.

(05/07/2019) For some inexplicable reason, the national media is not covering the videos of Dem. State Rep. Brian Sims harassing pro-life women.  Note the sarcasm.  This gay Pennsylvania legislator has been harassing old ladies and teens praying at an abortion clinic - offering cash for anyone who will dox (publicize their names and addresses) the teens.

(04/30/2019) Babies Were Killed After Failed Abortions: “They Were Taken By the Doctor and Turned Face Down in Saline.”  And yet, as seems to be standard operating procedure, the Democrat governor is likely to veto a bill to prevent this in NC.

(04/30/2019) Kansas' new governor vetoes abortion 'reversal' rule, setting up showdown with GOP.  It looks like the GOP legislators can override this veto.  Why are the Dems so against being able to reverse a chemical abortion if the mother desires to?

(04/27/2019) Democratic Governors Oppose Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Acts: ‘Not a Productive Use of Time.’  I guess banning plastic straws and the like qualify as "productive."

(04/21/2019) Large Pro-Life March in Virginia Gets Little or No Press Coverage.  Is there a bigger problem than fake news?  Very possibly the fact that there are many stories that the MSM give minimal coverage to, or even no coverage at all.

(04/14/2019) Pro-Choice College Student Says Children Born Alive After Botched Abortions Aren’t Babies.  I do not believe that people can believe such nonsense unless they are specifically taught to believe it.  Such ignorance simply does not come naturally.

(04/13/2019) ‘Unplanned’: Why All of Us, Particularly Those Who Are Pro-Life, Must See This Film.  This article is about much more than just the movie.

(04/06/2019) Emails Reveal Planned Parenthood Pressured California to Force Churches to Pay for Abortions.  Good thing the Left doesn't believe in imposing their values on others, unlike us Christians.

(04/02/2019) Alyssa Milano Misuses the Bible and Science to Support Abortion.  Her biblical quote doesn't even remotely have anything to do with abortion. 

(04/01/2019) Anti-Abortion Film ‘Unplanned’ Opens Big at Box Office, Tops ‘Captain Marvel’ in Per-Screen Average.  It was number five for the weekend with limited distribution.  Not bad.

(03/23/2019) Packed Theater Gives “Unplanned” Movie Standing Ovation After Glitzy Hollywood Premier.  Well, the audience was pro-life, but I've read multiple accounts from people who were given screenings that they were brought to tears.  Go see it - it opens in theaters on March 29.

(03/18/2019) Dear Parents, My Movie is Rated R…  This article is by Abby Johnson, about who the movie Unplanned is about.  Why "R?" Primarily because it doesn't hide the truth about abortion.  The pro-choice crowd works very hard to hide that truth.

(03/18/2019) New Mexico Defeats Radical Bill to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth. The bill was defeated, but they will keep on trying.

(03/15/2019) Abortion Activists Sell Sacrilegious Shirts Saying, “Thank God for Abortion.” She claims to be a Christian.

(03/03/2019) Democrats are increasingly out of line with public opinion on abortion.  The question is, are they going to pay a price at election time?

(03/01/2019) Dems’ Deceit and Moral Bankruptcy on Abortion.  How can anyone who claims to be pro-life ever vote for a Democrat again?  Just asking.

(02/25/2019) Democrats Hoping To Be The Next President All Voted Against Born Alive Bill And One Republican Didn’t Even Vote.  Three Democrats voted in favor, all the rest voted no.  The fact is, this bill doesn't restrict abortions at all.  I believe that it is a good thing that the Democrats are making crystal clear just what they stand for.

(02/25/2019) New poll spells BIG TROUBLE for ‘pro-choice’ and they have Democrats to THANK for it.  I prefer abortion polls that ask specific questions about what people think is acceptable and what is not.  This poll just asks people to self-identify as pro-life or pro-choice.  But no matter how you look at it, things look good for us on the pro-life side.  I think the Democrats starting to embrace infanticide may be the start a major turning of the tide.  Let us pray so.  Here is more: Bills to Expand Abortion Have ‘Reset the Landscape’ with ‘Dramatic Shift’ Toward Pro-Life Stance. 

(02/23/2019) The Trump Admin’s Latest Move Hits Abortion Clinics — Planned Parenthood Will Not be Happy.  Good news. 

(02/20/2019) Trailer for Pro-Life Movie ‘Unplanned’ Hits Number One Spot on iTunes.  I believe that the tide is moving in the right direction.  Keep fighting.

(02/19/2019) House Democrats Block Request to Vote on Bill to Stop Infanticide For a Fifth Time.  Naturally the MSM does not pay attention to this.

(02/15/2019) Illinois Democrats Move To Lift Ban On Partial Birth Abortion – End Parental Notification.  At least the Democrats are making their position on abortion undeniable.  If the MSM had been doing an unbiased, just report the news kind of job, everyone would have realized this years ago.

(02/09/2019) House Democrats Again Block Request to Vote on Bill to Stop Infanticide.  The Dems cannot afford to be on the record.  Opposing infanticide will infuriate many of their base, favoring it will infuriate far more voters, many of whom normally vote Dem.  Is it not appalling that we have a political party that can't bring itself to condemn infanticide?

(02/08/2019) How Democrats’ Obsession With Abortion is Helping the Evangelical Church.  The key takeaway?  No matter who is president, no matter who controls Congress, no matter who is on the SCOTUS, America is still in great need of revival and spiritual awakening.  Keep the pedal to the metal.

(02/07/2019) Honest Questions for Gov. Cuomo About Abortion.  The problem is that honest questions to abortion advocates do not result in honest answers.

(02/03/2019) Could Abortion Radicalism Cost Democrats the 2020 Election?  One can always hope.  We should pray, as well.  I used to try not to drag God into electoral politics, but the Democrats have gone off the deep end regarding abortion, the First Amendment and more.  We need God's help and we need to ask for it.

(02/01/2019) Democrats’ Inexorable Abortion Logic Has Finally Caught Up With Them.  The second sentence says it all: "They (the Dems) have admitted, perhaps against their better judgement, that there really is no difference between abortion and infanticide."

(02/01/2019) Pro-Lifers Are Scapegoats, Just like the Babies They Try to Save.  Good article.

(01/30/2019) We’ve Moved on From Third Trimester Abortion to Straight Up Infanticide.  This is in Virginia, and the Republicans (unanimously) have killed it.  But this is the direction the Democrat party is moving.  Complain all you want about the GOP not killing PP funding, but there is still a world of difference between the parties on abortion - a very large world.

(01/30/2019) Franklin Graham Urges Cardinal Dolan to Excommunicate Andrew Cuomo.  Not a bad idea.  There are a lot of "Catholic" politicians who use their Catholicism as a political tool to claim their bona fides as Christians.  Yet they flout the church's teachings on abortion.  In fact, they do far worse than merely flout it.  Is church teaching and church discipline only for the little guys?  I strongly suspect our Baptist congregation would never permit a politician who voted for such as the NY abortion law to either become a member or remain on our rolls.  There are a lot of good Catholics and it always embarrasses me that evangelicals are not nearly as well represented at pro-life events as Catholics.  But I fear that the higher levels of the church hierarchy put political connections and expedience above the sanctity of life.  Why?   Probably because Democrat politicians are in a position to do a lot of harm to the Catholic church and would almost certainly do so were the church to start excommunicating the more extreme pro-abortion Democrat politicians.

(01/28/2019) What I Saw at My First March for Life.  A lot of misrepresentations and outright falsehoods from the media, our self-proclaimed guardians of democracy.

(01/26/2019) 38 Senators File Bill to Protect Babies Born Alive After Botched Abortions.  It's a step.  It is unlikely to get any Democrat support.

(01/24/2019) New York State Downgrades From ‘Nineveh’ to ‘Sodom’ With New Abortion Law.  Probably worse.  I cannot, for the life of me, understand how any pro-life person can ever vote for a Democrat.  This is what the Democrat party stands for.

(01/21/2019) Sights and Sounds of 2019 March for Life.  And though our own Pastor Bob was there, it disappoints me that there is not a larger evangelical presence at the March for Life.  My wife and I occasionally demonstrate at our local PP, and the other demonstrators are overwhelmingly Catholic.  Well, bravo to them and shame on us.

(01/21/2019) March for Life vs. Women's March -- Best Video of Stark Contrast.  Well worth the watch. 

(01/17/2019) Why March for Life? They’re Only Babies. …  I suspect that many of the pro-choice crowd know that human life begins at conception, but comfort themselves by pretending otherwise.  What is sad is that most, if forced to admit it, would still favor abortion even while intellectually conceding that it is the taking of a human life.  But it does look like the pendulum is starting to swing in the pro-life direction (a significant majority oppose abortion or think it should be restricted to the first three months - this is progress), so pray that God continues to work on hearts and minds regarding the sanctity of human life.  Tomorrow is the March for Life, getting far less publicity than the washed up "Women's March."  Our own Pastor Bob will be there.  Pray for a big impact.

(01/16/2019) Planned Parenthood President Admits ‘Core Mission’ Is Abortion.  Of course, it is!

(01/11/2019) Hillary Clinton Wants New York State to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth: “There’s No Time to Wait.”  This is hardly surprising.  I suspect most Democrat politicians are on board with this.  Pro-life politicians have been purged from the party.  It is a shame that so many pro-life voters have stayed.

(01/05/2019) As Last Abortion Center in Nashville Closes, Tennessee Doctor Reveals Why Life is Winning.  Positive news here.  No one should oppose holding abortion facilities to the same standards as other ambulatory surgery centers.  Yet the abortion industry and many on the "pro-choice" side think that little or no standards should apply.  Unreal.  And these are the very same people that claim they are advocates for "women's health."

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