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FAT (Faithful, Available, Teachable)

We Will Not Be Silenced

(last updated 10/28/2021)


We Will Not Be Silenced - Erwin Lutzer

The FAT LIFE group at CFC will is doing a study of Erwin Lutzer's We Will Not be Silenced beginning 10/03/2021. This was inspired by the fact that we have already been having a lot of discussions involving the direction of our culture, our country and especially the church.  Lo and behold, I got an email from Focus on the Family promoting this book.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Perhaps it will help us to better understand what is happening and what we, as Christians, might be doing in response.  The "perhaps" qualifier is not necessary - it will help us.

In addition to the book, a workbook is also available.  For those who wish to purchase them, here are some options and links:

The following Amazon link is for the book, either Kindle ($9.99) or paperback ($16.19).  For that matter, you can get it as an audio book, as well.  Free shipping if a prime member.

We Will Not Be Silenced.

The workbook is also available from Amazon, in either Kindle or paperback.



If you are a Logos user like me, both are available in electronic form from Logos.


You can get both paperbacks as a pair from Christian Books for $18.99.  Sometimes they offer free shipping, but usually not. 

Book and Workbook.

For any who just plan to do this study online:

Best viewed with a screen larger than a phone!

As they become available, each session that we have will be posted below in the form of a PowerPoint slide show.  Live classroom doesn't translate perfectly to slides, so here is the deal.  Black slides with white text are what I am planning to say.  This text generally references the preceding slide, but may introduce the slide to come.

Though these slide shows will be divided into "sessions," they may not exactly match the sessions we actually have, the most likely reason being that we didn't complete a session and will start where we left off the next time.

You will be missing a lot if you don't read the book!  Completing the workbook is not essential, but in addition to reinforcing the text it does add some additional material.

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