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of the Gospel

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Romans 1:16 (ESV)


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Romans Road

(Revised and updated 01/16/2024)


Also called The Roman Road, Romans Road explains the gospel plan of salvation using (primarily) verses from the book of Romans.  There are many variations using overlapping but not identical sets of verses.  Note that most versions use only verses from Romans - which makes sense, given the name - but others toss in some extra verses. 

I should note that there are some who claim that The Roman Road leads straight to hell.    Their arguments are not persuasive, to put it mildly.  Suffice it to say that this is true with all the "methods" of presenting the gospel - there are some who are persuaded that there is the "right" way and hence other ways must be wrong (or worse).  

Here are some links providing more information.

If you want to go The Romans Road route, you should pick your favorite version and print out whatever you need to give you the information you need.  Don't hesitate to create your own hybrid version if you wish.  Not only do the verses vary in our various examples, but even the outline can vary.  There is no "best" version, only the version that you are most comfortable presenting.

This version contains some non-Romans verses.  Sticking with Romans is fun, but hardly essential when it comes to presenting the basic gospel.  

This is an excellent video that shows not only the basics of The Roman Road to Salvation, but also addresses some of the objections that people might have.  It isn't the best video to show to someone you are presenting the gospel to, but it is a great one for believers to review. 

You will not be surprised, given that the video is from Answers in Genesis, that the answer to some of the objections that might arise go back to Genesis!

This is a very nicely done animated video presentation of Romans Road.  Note that it is a presentation so you can show it to someone you are witnessing to.  There is a catch, of course.  It is very brief and while it contains the basic outline and the verses, it provides nothing much in the way of explanation.  It is therefore up to you to pause the video and provide the necessary explanations.  The video, by itself, cannot do the job.  But it is a nice tool.

I really like this video.  He goes down the road and does a good job explaining things.    He tosses in several non-Romans verses.  This might be a good video to show someone.  I don't believe it would be necessary to pause and elaborate as in the preceding video - though you should always be prepared to pause and answer questions, should they arise.  And while I think it is generally more effective to present the gospel directly, a good video is an alternative.  Regardless, you can pick up some good pointers with what and how to present the Roman Road with this video.

If you want a nice image or tract to print out, several are available at Printablee.  The following is my favorite.


There are many more images available online.  Here are a few.

This might be considered the "short" version, as it involves only five verses, all from Romans.

(click on any image for a larger view)

Another Romans only, but it adds one more verse and has the virtue of including the text of the verse.

Note: If you want to print one of the images, first click on the image to bring up the larger view.  Then right click and save the picture; then print the saved image.  

Mostly Romans, with additional verses.  

Memory Verse Cards 

We have a set of Romans only verse cards.  If you need to flesh things out, our regular Evangelism cards should do the trick.   As always, you can download the following Word document(s), print two-sided, flip on long edge.  If your printer can handle card stock, use it.

Memory Verse Cards - Roman Road (ESV)

Memory Verse Cards - Evangelism (ESV)

Memory Verse Cards - Evangelism (NASB)

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