Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror by Bernard Lewis.
Lewis, 100 years old at this writing (7/23/16), has the reputation of being the pre-eminent Islamic scholar in the USA. That reputation is well founded. Lewis has many books on the topic, but this is the one I have read and can recommend. Available from Amazon.
Answering Islam by Norman Geisler and Abdul Sasleeb.
What are the fundamental beliefs of Islam and how can Christians respond to them. Available from Amazon.
The Camel: How Muslims Are Coming To Faith In Christ by Kevin Greeson.
Available from Amazon.
Fast Facts on Islam by John Ankerberg and John Weldon.
Available from Amazon.
Jesus and Muhammad: Profound Differences and Surprising Similarities by Mark A. Gabriel. (new)
Another book by a Muslim convert to Christianity. Recommended by Rodney P. Available from Amazon, where it gets excellent reviews.
No God But One: A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam & Christianity by Nabeel Qureshi.
Here is a good review: Islam and Christianity: a reader-friendly guide to the differences. Available from Amazon, this book has 93% 5 star reviews.
Religion of Peace?: Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn't by Robert Spencer.
Available from Amazon, this book is especially useful when it comes to comparing Christianity and Islam as opposed to simply describing one or the other. 55% 5 star reviews. But what is really interesting is the 33% 1 star reviews. Although I have previously read this book, it is the 1 star reviews that have inspired me to read the book again.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi.
Available from Amazon, almost 2000 reviews, almost all 5 star. I've not read it yet, but I'm ordering it now.
The Story of Mohammed (Islam Unveiled) by Harry Richardson.
Available from Amazon. I have only read excerpts but it looks good, comes highly recommended and gets mostly 5 star reviews at Amazon.
What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur'an by James White.
Available from Amazon.
A Wind In The House Of Islam: How God Is Drawing Muslims Around The World To Faith In Jesus Christ by David Garrison (a member of FBCBF).
Available from Amazon.
Islam is a big topic, so we will break it down into a number of separate pages. You may follow the links (in bold red) to various topical pages and from each of those pages navigate to any of the Islam pages via links at the bottom of the page.
Let me first put my biases on the table. As a Christian, I believe that Islam is a false religion. It has always struck me as a man-made and contrived, designed for the command and control of people. Islam demands outward obedience and coercion is an acceptable means of gaining converts - and to prevent losing them.
My biases aside, there are some topics that can be briefly covered by just sticking to the facts.
First, we have A Brief History of Islam, covering Muhammad's life and the founding of the faith., along with a timeline covering significant events to date.
Then we have the Five Pillars of Islam - these are the five acts or actions that are considered to be mandatory for all believers. Bear in mind that these are specific actions that are required and in no way cover the beliefs of Islam.
Next we have the Basic Beliefs of Islam, though there is no fixed set such as we have with the Five Pillars.
The material covered above is pretty uncontroversial and I doubt that Muslims would have any problem with the exposition covered on those pages except where I wrote "that Muhammad claimed to have received his first visitation from the angel Gabriel."
Now let us move into somewhat more controversial material. Muslims tend to minimize some of the differences between Islam and Christianity. I believe this is because they consider that Islam is the final word on the subject, while Judaism and Christianity were just prior incomplete and impure manifestations of the one true faith. With that in mind, let us move on to the Comparison of Islam and Christianity. Here we will cover some of the basic, generally agreed upon differences.
Next we come to Sharia Law. It is here that we recognize a huge gap between Islam and Christianity. How should we live our lives, both personally and collectively? What Christianity has to say and what Islam tells us are diametrically opposed, and we see this reflected primarily in the legal system based on Islam, or Sharia Law.
Given the frequency of Islamic terrorism these days, the question must be asked: is terrorism an integral part of Islam? Check out Islamic Terrorism for details. In brief, violence has been a major component of Islam since before the death of Muhammad, but terrorism as we would recognize it today began in the 20th century.
For those who are thinking about running for office, and even for the rest of us who simply want to have a better understanding about Islam, it is important to understand the division in Islam between Sunni and Shiite.
Because our Sharia Law page can only cover so much, we are adding pages that cover the treatment of various groups under Islam.
Jews Under Islam (coming soon).
Non-believers Under Islam (under construction).
Recommended Articles:
Trump’s Muslim Immigration Ban Should Touch Off a Badly Needed Discussion by Andrew McCarthy.
This article is far more about Islam than about Trump. The main point is that Islam is far more than 'just' a religion.
Does Islam Inevitably Lead to Violence? The short answer is 'yes,' but that needs to be qualified. The Bible teaches us that we are all by nature sinful and that includes being prone to violence. Islam is just another means for the violent to justify their violence. And on this same subject, here is Michael Brown with Verses of Violence: Comparing the Bible and the Quran.
How Muslims Justify Killing Other Muslims by Raymond Ibrahim (see website below). This article explains exactly what the title says. It is written in response to the argument that since Muslim terrorists sometimes kill other Muslims, they are not motivated by Islam. Reading our Sunni vs Shiite page might be helpful as well.
Is Islam Violent? Forget the Koran, Let's Talk About Islam's PROVEN Historical Record by Raymond Ibrahim. Good idea. Base your evaluation on what is done rather than what is said.
Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters by Janet Levy. Some seem to think that slavery has only involved white Americans enslaving black Africans.
Tet, Take Two: Islam’s 2016 European Offensive by Matthew Bracken. Good article concerning the conflict between three major social forces: Islam, international socialism, and nationalism.
Websites of Interest:
Raymond Ibrahim - Obviously this is the website of Raymond Ibrahim, born in America of Coptic Christian Egyptian parents, he has lived much of his life in the Middle East and is fluent in both English and Arabic. The link takes you to his 'blog.' Lots of good stuff.
Jihad Watch - The is Robert Spencer's website (see book above). It includes authors in addition to Spencer. The link takes you to the page on Islam 101, but there is much, much more at the website.
Ibn Warraq - Website of Ibn Warraq whose first book was titled Why I am not a Muslim, which should give you a good idea where he stands. There is so much good stuff I don't know how to describe it. The link takes you to the welcome pages which is as good a place as any to start.
Issues, Etc. Christ centered talk radio. You can listen online here. Lots of really good stuff, but I am linking to the Islam related stuff. There is much more. Recommended by "Paul of Alexandria."
Pamela Geller - Pamela Geller is not a fan of Islam, to put it mildly. The fact is that we need a lot more Pamela Gellers speaking out fearlessly about the threat of Islam. Her website has not only commentary, but link to news items you are unlikely to see in our MSM. Recommended by 'Paul of Alexandria'.