Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ
News and Politics
This page is intended for News and Political sites which are not necessarily Christian in nature but which includes articles / stories / commentary that may be of interest to Christians. As the Unshackled Life Group is made up of Evangelical Christians of Southern Baptist persuasion, these sites will tend towards the conservative, but the emphasis is on sites that contain either useful news or interesting articles / commentary regardless of the general political persuasion of the site. As 'activist' (hopefully) Christians, it is important that we are well informed and that is the intent of the links on this page.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 (NIV)
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out. Proverbs 18:15 (NIV)
Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I believe in your commands. Psalm 119:66 (NIV)
BBC News. For some international flavor.
Breitbart News Network. Founded by the late Andrew Breitbart, this is truly a 'full-service' news site.
Charisma News. Lot of good news articles and commentary. Obviously a Charismatic website, but that is not apparent in most articles.
Christian News Headlines. News of interest to Christians from the U.S. and around the world.
CNS News. Established by the Media Research Center in an attempt to produce a less biased source of news. If you've never heard of it, you definitely want to check this news source out.
The Daily Signal. This is a Heritage Foundation news site, founded in 2013 and focuses on politics, culture, and under-reported stories.
Eagle Rising. Seeks to share breaking news about culture, media, politics, etc., from a Christian perspective.
LifeZette. "Life explained." Laura Ingraham is editor-in-chief.
Minuteman News. Posts articles on news and politics, faith and family, and culture and entertainment.
Newsmax. Provides current news articles covering politics, national and international news, science and technology, etc. from a conservative perspective.
One News Now. News from a Christian perspective (from the American Family Association).
The Stream. Recently founded by televangelist James Robison (also founder of Life Outreach International), it has both aggregated news and original news, opinion content.
Washington Examiner. A more conservative DC paper than the Post.
Washington Free Beacon. Been getting a lot of good scoops lately.
World Net Daily. Includes articles on national and international news, religion, health, education, etc.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (KJV)
Afterburner. Bill Whittle does excellent video commentaries. There is more at this website, but the link is specifically to the Afterburner videos.
American Greatness. Great articles, conservative as you might imagine.
American Thinker. From their website: "American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans."
Conservative Byte. Provides the latest news from a conservative perspective to counter the liberal bias of the mainstream media.
Constitution.com - "Defending the Constitution from threats both foreign and domestic."
Cowboy Byte. Provides information about any threats to our Constitutional right to bear arms and the effects of legislation introduced and passed regarding our air, water, and food supply.
The Daily Caller. Conservative news and commentary. One of the most visited conservative sites, I have no idea why I haven't listed it before.
Daily Kos. Political commentary from a leftist perspective. The articles are actually pretty useful in the sense of understanding what leftist thinking is on various issues, but not a site for anyone with delicate sensibilities. View comments at your own risk, especially if you have a medical condition. The hatred of everything Christian is palpable.
The Federalist. Commentary, their slogan is: Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray.
Freedom Force. Articles covering current news events, religion, the Constitution, from a conservative perspective.
Freedom Outpost. Articles concerning U.S. news, international news, politics, and the Constitution from a conservative perspective.
Frontpage Magazine. This is the website of David Horowitz, who you should remember as a left-wing whacko from the 60's who actually grew up, unlike so many others. This site contains commentary by a number of great authors. Highly recommended by 'Paul of Alexandria'.
The Heritage Foundation. This is a 'think tank' whose mission is 'to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.'
Hot Air. Political commentary, but includes a 'Sunday Reflection' each week that is of a Catholic perspective but is very good. Founded by Michelle Malkin (see below).
Huffington Post. Another website that claims to be non-partisan, but tilts to the left. Good source for liberal latest liberal thinking. For decidedly leftist thinking, see Daily Kos above.
Hugh Hewitt. Nationally syndicated radio host and author. Hewitt does great radio interviews which are posted here along with occasional additional interesting articles.
Instapundit. The original blog. Not Christian at all, but leans Christian in sympathies. Good place to go to find out the latest goings on, with links.
Last Resistance. Posts articles dealing with the Constitution, religion and the media. A lot of politics here, but a lot of coverage of social issues and religion in the public square.
Legal Insurrection. Good commentary from a conservative perspective. Excellent source if you wish to know what is going on on college campuses, especially regarding the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) movement.
Liberty Alliance Media. A network of web sites dedicated to advancing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Our members and strategic partners leverage the power of new media to promote traditional values.
Michelle Malkin. A Colorado Springs resident that is a conservative syndicated columnist and contributor to Fox News and The Gazette. Founder of Twitchy (see below) and Hot Air websites (see above).
National Review Online. Website of the conservative National Review magazine. Specifically religious content is often from a Catholic perspective as a number of the regular writers are Catholic. You'll see stuff here you will not see elsewhere such as 'Should a Christian watch Game of Thrones'?
Patriot Update. Provides timely, accurate news about what concerns patriotic Americans. Also dedicated to the ideals of a free press, featuring headlines submitted by our readers as well as daily commentary provided by our editors and guest writers. Of particular note are the regular syndicated columns of well-known columnists including Michelle Malkin, Thomas Sowell, Chuck Norris, Dick Morris, Floyd Brown, and Michael Reagan.
Political Outcast. Posts articles on politics, religion, the family, economics, and world news. Again, from a conservative perspective.
Politico. Lots of articles on politics (surprise, surprise). From a left orientation, there are a lot of writers and this is a good site to find out the latest - especially Washington politics.
Powerline. This site is a blog for four individuals, both Jewish and Christian. Not specifically religious in content, but posts are generally well written and very factual.
Real Clear Politics. A political site that began as a politically neutral site but seems to have shifted left. It has a lot of useful information. It has morphed a into a more general news site so there is quite a bit of non-political stuff (sports, etc.).
Red State. Commentary from a conservative and often specifically Christian perspective.
RenewAmerica. Their stated purpose: RenewAmerica is a grassroots organization that supports the self-evident truths found in the Declaration of Independence, and their faithful application through upholding the U.S. Constitution, as written.
Ricochet. Conservative commentary and conversation. This site is designed for more 'user participation' than most. If we have any members of Ricochet, please pass on your comments so we can add them here.
Twitchy. From Michelle Malkin (see above), Twitchy collects tweets and adds commentary about hot topics on the Twittersphere. Informative and often very amusing.