Jan-Dec 2020
Apr-Dec '18

for Life

Freedom to Go 'n Grow Together in Christ

Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. Matthew 22:21b (KJV)
Other News of Interest
(See current events for the most recent articles)
(12/09/2021) Oregon drafting rule to make wearing masks permanent. Good grief.
(12/01/2021) Terra Haute, Ind. police officer under fire for kicking a dog but there’s MUCH more to the story. To say there is much more to the story is an understatement. And this is why we should never accept any story until we can be confident we have all the facts.
(11/23/2021) Illegals handed big 'welcome packet' packages full of free stuff. It is worse than you think.
(11/19/2021) Cue the BATSH*T CRAZY! Here’s a bunch of blue-check Lefties losing their ever-loving MINDS over Rittenhouse verdict. It is totally clear that none of these people paid the slightest bit of attention to the evidence produced at the trial. They aren't totally to blame for that, as the MSM didn't do a good job of reporting that evidence. If there are any subsequent riots over the verdict, the MSM can take a bow for accomplishing their mission.
(11/10/2021) If You Thought Omar Was A Moron Before, Wait Until You See Her Latest Rant. In brief, after advocating for defunding police and having the police force reduced, she is blaming cops for the rise in crime.
(11/10/2021) Shoe giant Minnetonka apologizes for ‘appropriating’ Native American culture with its moccasins, announces that the company is not Native-owned. I keep thinking that surely we have reached peak absurdity. I keep being wrong. But why do so many go along with this nonsense?
(11/09/2021) Facebook Ban on Supporting Rittenhouse Wears Thin as Prosecution Stumbles. The problem is that our "gatekeepers of misinformation" are not honest brokers. Their agenda is the progressive agenda. It is most definitely not presenting viewers and listeners with the truth and shielding them from lies and falsehoods. Pointing out the lies they presented as truth and the truth they covered up as "misinformation" will not make them better "gatekeepers" because such is not their objective in the first place. The are not honest brokers. Regarding Rittenhouse, the evidence the prosecution has presented show that it was clearly self-defense and not first-degree murder. But most of this was known before the trial began, yet Facebook chose to suppress it because it did not fit the narrative.
(11/09/2021) Pentagon investigates self, finds no crime. How many organizations, investigating themselves, have ever concluded that they themselves are guilty? Just asking.
(10/13/2021) Leaked Documents Show US and Chinese Scientists Planned to Create New Coronavirus In 2018. You would think that our vaunted media would like to know more about this. You would be wrong.
(10/08/2021) ‘All the lies that fit — we print!’ Award-winning NYT science reporter Apoorva Mandavilli’s article requires one hell of a correction. That quote is pretty accurate.
(10/03/2021) Chants of 'F--- Joe Biden' rain down from NASCAR stands during interview with Talladega winner. Naturally, the media pretends it was something else. I don't know how big an impact that media bias has, but one study indicated that it causes a shift of 5-10% to the Democrats. And that study was done when the MSM wasn't so blatant.
(10/03/2021) Time for Fauci To Go. He should have left long ago. I am not a fan of mandatory retirement ages, but I do wonder why government seems to be the exception to such rules.
(09/29/2021) Biden couldn't be bothered to take a 'dignified transfer' of US troop remains from the Korean war, either. The problem isn't that Biden didn't show while the president of South Korea did, the problem is that the administration didn't even send a representative.
(09/28/2021) US Standing in the World Collapses After Joe Biden’s Calamitous Afghanistan Withdrawal. Is anyone surprised by this? Could anyone not have predicted it? Which makes me wonder if the result was, in fact, intentional.
(09/28/2001) DC Tent City Smells Like Crap – Toilet Servicer Won’t Empty Porta Potties because Dem Officials Haven’t Paid Him. Question: given the performance of our government at all levels - federal, state and local - why is it that we turn more and more responsibilities over to government?
(09/24/2021) Biden Administration Implores Iran to Return to Nuke Talks Without Delay. This is what the most powerful nation on earth is reduced to. And it didn't even take nine months!
(09/24/2021) Kids and Immunity: 15 Months Later, Banned Doctors Are Vindicated. Of course! Politics has always been the driver of the covid response.
(09/21/2021) Media, Democrats Rant Furiously About Border Patrol Agents Using 'Whips.' But Is It True? No.
(09/21/2021) Dems support Florida landowner evicting unvaccinated tenants. So, you can't evict tenants who don't pay their rent, but you can evict them if they are unvaccinated. The idiocy continues. The only problem is, while there, may be some idiots involved, this is a part of an effort to give more an more power to the state and chip away at our freedoms. Ten years ago, I would have said such a notion was just another conspiracy theory. Not any more.
(09/20/2021) Teacher out of job after video of anti-Trump, left-wing rant in class released: 'I'm deeply disturbed.' I was in 8th grade for the 1964 election. Our school had a debate between a couple students who favored Johnson and a couple who favored Goldwater, with a teacher moderating. We then had a straw vote. Neither during the big debate nor in any class did any of our teachers indicate who they were going to vote for. It wasn't their job to try to sway us either way. To be honest, had they done so I'm sure a number of parents would have let their displeasure be known. Times have changed.
(09/20/2021) NIH Director Admits: NO DATA on Masking Kids — but We’re Recommending it, Anyway. No, there is no such science because the masks that 99+% of people are wearing can't block a virus. They are recommending it at the behest of the teacher's unions. Sadly, everything the left gets involved in is turned political. That includes "science." Appeals to said science no longer carry any weight. Does anyone in their right mind trust the NIH and the CDC any more? They have flipped and flopped all over the place.
(09/13/2021) Gold Star father says Biden 'bristled' when told to learn stories of fallen service members. At least Bill Clinton was good at faking empathy. Joe Biden can't even fake it.
(09/12/2021) A Failure of Memory and Nerve. Sadly, for all our talk, we have forgotten. For a few brief moments, 98% of America was filled with a terrible resolve. We got started, got tired, and then quit. In a fundamental sense, America is far, far worse off today than we were on 9/10/2001.
(09/12/2021) 26 out of the 27 Lancet scientists who trashed theory that Covid leaked from a Chinese lab have links to Wuhan researchers. What a surprise! Always ask the following when an "expert" pontificates: Do they have any skin in the game? More often than not, you will find that they do, and their "skin" overrides their "expertise." Is it amazing how many will sell their principles for money? I'm not sure, but plenty do.
(09/12/2021) American Homeschooling Goes Boom. This may be one of the best things to come out of the virus. May it continue to boom. Our public schools - and many private ones, as well - are doing a terrible job. The teacher's unions are a big part - but only a part - of the problem. Most parents will discover they can do a much better job than the schools on most subjects, and co-ops and the like can help on other subjects. Our church is open two days a week for homeschoolers to do just that, taking advantage of our facilities. I'm pretty sure we are up to well over 100 kids, with a great deal of growth in the last year.
(09/09/2021) Voter Integrity Groups are Analyzing Video Evidence of Ballot Trafficking on Massive Scale in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Note that this sort of news simply is not reported by the great bulk of our media. First we were told that election fraud didn't exist, then that it was minor, then that it wasn't enough to overturn the election. Now it is ignored altogether. People on the right have been asking this question for a long time: Is it remotely believable that Joe Biden got 81 million votes - 15 million more than Barack Obama got in 2012 and 15 million more than Hillary Clinton got in 2016?
(09/09/2021) Hanson: There’s a problem in upper reaches of our military. The fundamental problem is that to become a general officer, politics are far more important than competence. Such is still the case for any subsequent promotions. Generals can screw up on a massive scale and suffer no consequences. Not so for those beneath them. And note that many in the higher ranks of the military are working hard to throw God out - or at least minimize Him.
(09/08/2021) The fallacious Fauci revisited. For an "expert," Fauci changes his mind a lot. Nothing wrong if an expert changes their mind based on new information. But they should at least admit that they are fallible and that they could be wrong. Fauci is always certain, even when what he says is the exact opposite of what he said before. Fauci's expertise is probably limited to surviving i a political bureaucracy to become the highest paid federal employee.
(09/08/2021) Border Patrol agent assaulted by smuggler while trying to stop migrants at the border; five arrested. If this were a rarity it would be no biggie. It isn't. Trump had the border well under control. And now?
(09/04/2021) What we left behind: VDH edition. We left behind billions in equipment, some of it highly sophisticated. All for the benefit of the Taliban, and Russia and China and other enemies. We could have removed plenty of it before withdrawing and we could have destroyed much of that we couldn't remove. But we did not. Why? Sadly, "why?" is a question that our media and our "elites" have no interest in answering.
(09/02/2021) Who Needs Experts? Good question. Having a degree does not, in itself, qualify one as an expert. And when so-called experts start playing politics, their "expertise" becomes meaningless.
(08/31/2021) Shameful: Nets Ignore ‘Terrified’ University Students Abandoned in Afghanistan to Taliban. While the MSM hasn't let the Biden administration off the hook for the totally botched Afghanistan withdrawal, they are pulling a lot of punches. This in one of many.
(08/30/2021) Alarming leaked cable shows how few US citizens have actually been evacuated from Afghanistan. The administration has be rather vague about the total number of Americans evacuated, preferring to emphasize the total number of evacuees. Most are Afghan, and while most are probably justifiably at risk from the Taliban, most are not screened, either. How many terrorists are joining the ranks of the evacuees?
(08/30/2021) Conservative Purge Continues: Chase Bank Tells Gen. Michael Flynn They Are Closing His Accounts and Cancelling His Credit Cards; Claim Continuing to Allow the Decorated Veteran Access to His Accounts “Creates Reputational Risk”. A number of corporations have taken it upon themselves to punish those they disagree with politically. I see no exceptions to the rule of thumb that they are restricting themselves to punishing conservatives. This is true in social media as well. The question is, are they doing this on their own, or are they being encouraged / rewarded to do so by others? Inquiring minds want to know, but sadly, there are apparently no inquiring minds in the media. Not on this subjeect, at least.
(08/21/2021) Don Lemon of CNN Walks off the Set After Guest Calls Him Fake News. The truth can hurt.
(08/20/2021) Breaking: The Left’s January 6 Narrative Just Went Poof—FBI. It has been known all along that Jan. 6 was no insurrection. But it served the Democrats' purpose to push that narrative and the MSM has been (and still will be) happy to play along.
(08/19/2021) Here’s video of a baby being passed over razor wire to waiting US troops in Afghanistan. And it isn't just one. The parents must know that it is all over for them, but maybe their child can be saved. Heartbreaking.
(08/19/2021) Biden Admin Tells Americans Trapped In Afghanistan It ‘Cannot Guarantee’ Their Safety To Airport. While the Brits are going out and fetching their people the USA is apparently incapable of doing likewise. Of course, the military needs a go ahead from the White House, so ....
(08/17/2021) At the Mercy of the Taliban. Every morning I ask how can it get worse? And it gets worse. I weep for America. The sheer incompetence of our leaders is dismaying. But at least we have no mean tweets.
(08/15/2021) Chicago official, on bagpipe mourning ritual for slain officer: 'We don't have time for this s---!' Nice.
(08/15/2021) Biden COVID Task Force Member Thrown Under The Bus After Accidentally Telling The Truth. He spoke of needing N-95 masks. For those who remember, those masks might be somewhat effective and that was what was first recommended. But his real sin was saying that cloth and similar masks don't work. This is 100% true. This whole masking business has probably done more harm than good. It is all for show.
(07/27/2021) CNN’s Lemon: Unvaccinated Should Not Be Allowed in Supermarkets, Ball Games, Work. Never forget that it is people like Lemon who accuse us of being the wannabe dictators.
(07/22/2021) 'Tree Inequity' plaguing. If these academics think "tree equity" is a problem, it would be nice if they went out and planted trees where they think there is a problem. They would actually be doing something beneficial. As it is, they are producing nothing of benefit at all. Quite the opposite.
(07/22/2021) Terrifying video shows moment Good Samaritan is pistol-whipped trying to stop robbers from battering elderly Asian man. At least they didn't shoot him. While it may be a stretch to blame President Biden, the Democrats and our media for this, the fact is they have been attacking the police and reducing their funding, as well as releasing and not charging criminals caught in the act. And they tried blaming anti-Asian violence on white supremacists. Ultimately they decided to keep quiet after the video evidence shows that virtually all attacks on Asians are committed by blacks.
(07/21/2021) Fallacious Fauci strikes again. Fauci has gone a long way towards destroying all credibility or "experts." Too be fair, so-called experts had already done a lot of damage before Fauci came along.
(07/11/2021) Biden Administration’s New ‘Woke’ Corporate Disclosure Rules Will Cost Companies Billions, Experts Warn. Replace "Companies" with "Consumers" and you'll have an accurate headline. "Disclosure" involves such things as diversity, "climate change" emissions and more. Regulators enjoy imposing massive costs on everyone else. The benefit? One could make a good case that the regulations are harmful, even if there was no cost associated with them.
(07/11/2021) De Blasio Blames Pipeline Burst on Capitalism, Gets Reality Check When He Learns It's Owned by Gov't. Others blamed it on men - but Pemex reports to a woman. One of the biggest problems we have today is that so many people base their views on falsehoods. Actually, the biggest problem is that when the falsehoods are pointed out to them, they refuse to change their minds.
(07/10/2021) California Legalized Theft. Everyone’s Packages Were Stolen. When you can steal with impunity, more people will steal and they will steal more. Walk out of a store with less than $950 worth of merchandise in SF and other jurisdictions? Not a problem. Not even worth bringing charges because nothing will come of them.What if you use physical force to stop a package pirate or a shoplifter? You will likely be the one to be charged!
(07/08/2021) Vogue declares Jill Biden 'a goddess' and puts her on its cover as the epitome of style. The left politicizes everything - and so ruins everything it politicizes. As First Lady, fashion model Melania Trump never made the cover of Vogue - or any other magazine. But Jill Biden is somehow a superstar. I'm sorry, make that Doctor Jill Biden.
(07/04/2021) CNN’s Top-Rated Show Beat Out By Fourteen Different Fox News Shows. Also by seven MSNBC shows. Of course, a number of Fox shows have been shifting left. There are alternatives.
(07/01/2021) Has the Military Lost Middle America? They are certainly working very hard to do so.