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of the Gospel

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Romans 1:16 (ESV)


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Smart Phone Apps

(for Evangelism)

If you want, you can let a Smartphone app do the heavy lifting.  But you still need to be able to transition into showing the app in the first place, and to be willing to answer questions.  And why settle for a single app when you can have several?

(click on any image for a larger view)

Each app includes a brief description and possibly will include some editorial comments.  If available, links to additional information about the app will be included.  Note that all apps were downloaded and reviewed on an iPhone.  I am assuming that the apps are also available for Android devices.  Just go to your app store and search for the name of the app.  All the apps presented here are free.  I recommend that you check out the ones that look interesting and pick one (or more) to use.

The Big Story

This app is from Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.  It requires some work on your part since you will be doing some drawing on the screen.  Need some help figuring out the app?  The following link includes more info and a video:

The Big Story from InterVarsity

Basically, you go through a series of seven screens.  You can draw on each one, but you don't really have to.  There is no audio, but if you don't have your patter down for the screen, you can always bring up text info for that screen.

For more information that you thought you needed, check out the following pdf.  It contains everything you need to present The Big Story and more.

The Big Story: A Gospel Presentation

If you read the pdf, you will find that The Big Story can really qualify as a stand-alone gospel presentation method.  So while the app isn't necessary, it is a pretty nice way of presenting The Big Story.


The CrossTalk app is from EvanTell.  There is audio, but it is just music and sound effects, which can be turned off.  You go through a sequence of cartoon illustrations - some animated - to present the gospel.  Each screen is either stand-alone, or provides the ability to bring up related Scripture or additional info (called "Learn More") before moving on to the next screen.

When I first saw this app, I was thinking that it was intended primarily for children based on the "cartoonish" aspects. but it really does a pretty nice job and includes a lot of stuff if you take advantage of the Scripture references and the "Learn Mores."  It is very clear what you need to do in order to go through the presentation.  

Dare 2 Share

Dare 2 Share is not an app that presents the gospel, but rather an app that provides training and tools to enable you to share the gospel.  It contains a lot of good info, primarily via videos.  It also allows you to take notes for your own use.  Note that the videos are not downloaded to your phone as part of the app, so you'll want a decent internet connection when using this app.


eeHelps is from Evangelism Explosion International, and you can read a lot about the app here.  Like "Dare 2 Share," this is a tool to use with your evangelism.  Although much more than a simple a presentation of the gospel, it does allow for interactive gospel presentation.  It is so comprehensive that I haven't had time to dig deeply into it.  Checking out the link will give you a much better idea as to whether this app is for you.

This really looks comprehensive, but that means it requires work on your part.  You'll need to provide information about yourself, your church, your personal testimony and more. 


GodTools is an app provided by Cru (which used to be Campus Crusade for Christ).  It provides three different presentations of the gospel, so you can choose which presentation best fits a particular situation.  The presentations (one of which is the "Four Spiritual Laws") are similar and the way they work is the identical.  You swipe your way through a series of screens (you can back up as well as go forward).  On each screen, in addition to the main message, are several additional items that can be brought up in sequence - or just skipped.  These "additions" are just additional detail that might typically be included but are not critical to the basic gospel message.


One plus with this app is that you can have an additional language besides English.  

Life in 6 Words

This is put together by Dare 2 Share, but I am not a fan.  You are asked to pick 6 words from a list of 14 words.  You are then presented with the gospel message.  The problem is that the message is the same no matter what 6 words you chose.  It would be much, much better if it provided a biblical response to each of the words chosen before moving on to the gospel presentation.  Even the gospel presentation might vary a bit depending on the words chosen.

The Story

Not to be confused with The Story - a chronological, narrative Bible from Zondervan - this is an app from Spread the Truth Ministries.  It provides a nice narrative of the gospel message.  You can view it as a video or read the text.  You'll want an internet connection for viewing the video.  I like the presentation.  As with other apps, you have to get your "target" to watch or read.  If reading, each "chapter" includes a couple Scripture references.

Mobile Jesus

Mobile Jesus gives a great overview of Christianity and the Christian worldview.  I see it more as a resource for the Christian rather than an evangelism tool.  Of course, for a seeker, reading the overview might be a big help.  But it is not short.  I doubt a skeptic would be willing to spend the time.  The app also includes a number of "points" with a lot of detail backing up each.  Rather than a presentation, this is a aid for the Christian to be able to answer questions.  I look at Mobile Jesus as a great reference, but not as a tool to present the gospel.



The following has been my go to source for apps:

List of apps

Memory Verse Cards 

It is always great to have some evangelism verses available no matter how you are presenting the gospel.  Our regular set of Evangelism cards covers some of the bases.   As always, you can download the following Word document(s), print two-sided, flip on long edge.  If your printer can handle card stock, use it.

Memory Verse Cards - Evangelism (ESV)

Memory Verse Cards - Evangelism (NASB)

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